Fatl error

Issue #5 closed
Carlos Carcamo created an issue

HI i tried to install tehe plugin but i have one error that said Fatal error, this error apear when i tried to activated the plugin from admin page.

one image about the error


thanks in advance

Comments (9)

  1. Carlos Carcamo reporter

    I try to activate the plugin from the admin page, but when clicking the box gives me this error.

    Oops, something went wrong

  2. Alex Golubtsov repo owner

    I need a little bit more info. Please go to your config.php and set

    $config["esoTalk.debug"] = true;

    Then try to activate plugin once more.

  3. Carlos Carcamo reporter

    that line is not in the config / config.php file and when i added I get a fatal error

  4. Carlos Carcamo reporter

    when I add this line (not after which add it) gives me this error in plugins

    Warning: file_exists () [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File (/ home/u797948363/public_html/addons/plugins/index.html/plugin.php) is not Within the allowed path (s): (/ tmp :/ home/u797948363 :/ var / tmp :/ opt/php- 5.3/pear) in / home/u797948363/public_html/core/controllers/admin/ETPluginsAdminController.class.php on line 42

    Notice: Use of undefined constant SORT_NATURAL - Assumed 'SORT_NATURAL' in / home/u797948363/public_html/core/controllers/admin/ETPluginsAdminController.class.php on line 59

    Notice: Use of undefined constant SORT_FLAG_CASE - Assumed 'SORT_FLAG_CASE' in / home/u797948363/public_html/core/controllers/admin/ETPluginsAdminController.class.php on line 59

    Warning: ksort () expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in / home/u797948363/public_html/core/controllers/admin/ETPluginsAdminController.class.php on line 59

  5. Carlos Carcamo reporter

    i have a new error

    SQL Error (42000, 1071): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    CREATE TABLE et_oc_member_social ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, member_Id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, socialNetwork varchar(255) NOT NULL, socialId varchar(255) NOT NULL, profileLink varchar(255) NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, confirmed tinyint unsigned NOT NULL, confirmationHash varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, confirmationSent int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY oc_member_social_socialNetwork_socialId (socialNetwork,socialId) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

    I'll try some other open source forum, this gives many problems

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