Group Admins can disable "join group"

Issue #1955 resolved
Stephan Doerfel created an issue

Please add a setting for group admins, that allows to enable or disable the join group feature. Groups where the feature is disabled work only using invites (or by directly adding the user if we want to keep this behavior).

Background: Some groups have a rather fix set of members (e.g. members of a department or organizers of a workshop) and it seems that there are lots of users who just click the join group button for fun.

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    How is this issue resolved? Please explain in detail how admins of a group can disable the "join group" button. I cannot find the way to change this setting. Please help ASAP. Thx

  2. Thomas Niebler

    This issue is only resolved in the repository. The feature will probably be publicly enabled in the next release. If you want to try that functionality right now, you are free to set up a working copy of BibSonomy using the sources provided in this repository.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi thomas. Are you saying that Facebook will soon be adding the option to disable join group button to group pages? If so how will we find out about if? I'm an admin on a large (800) closed group for parents of kids with eating disorders worldwide. For some reason, since dec/15 people who request to join us cannot find our screening pm's. It's an emergency situation for many parents who find themselves at home with children who are critically ill - as there is very little medical care for eating disorders in many countries- essential and can be life saving support that we are offering. How can I know when and how to disable join group button? At that point we will ask people interested in joining us to simply send us a PM.

    Thx so much Sue

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Mario. I received an email saying this issue was resolved. Can you explain how we go about disabling the join group button? Thx

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