Valentina - creating a line

Issue #1000 closed
Andreas Exner created an issue

Hi Roman, as I ve seen in the tutorial it is needed to click after picking the line tool and starting the line from point A a second time to bring up a dialoge window to finalize this line. But it does not show up at my installation. I’m using Windows 10.
Any idea?

Thank you!


Comments (2)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner


    First of all, this repo no longer used by the project. It is better to ask such a question here.

    as I ve seen in the tutorial it is needed to click after picking the line tool and starting the line from point A a second time to bring up a dialoge window to finalize this line. But it does not show up at my installation. I’m using Windows 10.

    I have a suspicion that the tutorial you used is old. New versions no longer show a dialog in cases where all data needed by the program available thus speeding up the process.

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