Certificate checking on Mac OS X.

Issue #568 resolved
Timo Virtaneva created an issue

I have been looking for the cause of weird error message. The Xcode was updated to version 8. After the first compilation I get following error message 6 times, when stating Valentina.

Error receiving trust for CA certificate

I have all Xcode development certificates valid and I have not found any useful info how to solve the problem. To narrow the problem I need to know is Valentina communicating somewhere at the startup?

Comments (24)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    To narrow the problem I need to know is Valentina communicating somewhere at the startup?

    Yes, it tries to find an update.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    It's a result of some certificates removed on 10.11. QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest at some point sets SSL configuration on a request (even if it's 'http' and not 'https') - and at this point we do initialize some internal data structure in QSslSocketPrivate (ensureCiphersAndCertsLoaded, systemCaCertificates etc.) The message itself can be suppressed using logging category

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Thanks. Do you have any idea, how it can be corrected?

    We don't use https connections so we can just suppress any error message related to ssl.

  4. Timo Virtaneva reporter

    I tested, but the messages keeps popping up. Maybe is it coming somewhere else, because it is complaining CA trust like the CA chain is not correct/complete.

  5. Timo Virtaneva reporter

    Qt Creator 4.1.0 Based on Qt 5.7.0 (Clang 7.0 (Apple), 64 bit)

    Xcode Version 8.0 (8A218a)

  6. Timo Virtaneva reporter

    Compiled and tested. Still the same error message. What address is the Valentina trying?

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