Separate the Favorites feature from the "Arrange By" section

Issue #8718 open
Kris Frausto created an issue


I’d like to request having the “Favorites” be separated from the Arrange By section.

I really enjoy having Favorites at the top of the platform list, but I also like occasionally changing the sorting to see what I last played or sort by rating. Having favorites separated would allow me to apply that sorting to the favorites section for that platform, as the list can sometimes be quite long.

I think it would also be useful if each platform could also have their own Arrange By view, instead of the option applying globally.

I have playlists that are visible from the platform list and it would be great to be able to sort those differently.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    Just an FYI you can sort playlists differently than platforms. In LB right click the playlist and edit. In the “Sort Games By” box change the sort method.

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