Add grouping field to CreateGermlines arguments

Issue #111 resolved
nima nouri created an issue

@javh we may add "fields" arg to like what we have in

Comments (7)

  1. nima nouri reporter

    -f FIELDS [FIELDS ...] Additional fields to use for grouping. e.g. if there are different subjects in data-set and we want to assign germlines per clone.

  2. Jason Vander Heiden

    Hrm. Not sure that's necessary. Just run it on each file individually? You shouldn't have duplicate clone IDs then.

  3. nima nouri reporter

    True... That is one way, but if user (me) put all the files in one, then it is problematic :)

  4. Jason Vander Heiden

    Heh. Then you should probably create a composite clone column in that file anyway, so you don't accidentally merge clones across samples. Eg, db$CLONE=paste(db$SAMPLE, db$CLONE, sep="-").

    I mean, if you want to add it, go ahead. It's probably over-engineering though, because there's a simpler solution.

  5. Jason Vander Heiden

    Gonna close this because I think the use case sounds like a bad input file. Reopen if we have a need.

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