Additional features to add to ConvertDb-genbank

Issue #114 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue
  1. Add a flag to ConvertDb-genbank to retain invalid CDS (stop codon) records, but convert the JUNCTION annotation to a misc_feature.

  2. Add arguments for sex and tissue-type specification.

  3. AIRR formats support.

Comments (10)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden reporter
    1. Add COORDINATES type to inference qualifiers.
    2. Use protein motif for inference qualifier in CDS (JUNCTION) and alignment for V, D, J and C segments.
  2. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    All of the above is done, except AIRR format support.

    Also updated keywords to TLS; Targeted Locus Study; AIRR; MiAIRR:1.0.

  3. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    We could probably add the execution of tbl2asn as an optional post-processing step as well. It should only require adding:

    1. Input of a template .sbt file generated via
    2. Arguments for BioProject and BioSample accession numbers.
    3. An --exec argument to point to tbl2asn
    4. A flag specifying whether or not to perform the step (--asn).
  4. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    Need to add support for passing all these various arguments via a yaml file instead of individually.

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