Added support to MakeDb-igblast for non-standard gene names

Issue #116 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

MakeDb-igblast currently parses gene names in the IgBLAST output and germline repo using a standard allele regex to pair the records between these sources. We need an option (for a user) to skip the parsing and use the gene names as is. I think we just need to add some sort of flag to Parsers.IgBLASTParser and IO.readRepo to skip allele name extraction and be explicit in the documentation that specifying this flag requires exact string matches in the reference germlines.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    Done in 0099430 via --asis-calls argument to MakeDb-igblast.

    Need to see if the same is realistic for DefineClones, CreateGermlines, etc.

  2. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    I think is as resolved as it can be. Doesn't look practical for DefineClones or CreateGermlines as they care about thing like the different between the family, gene and allele level which can only be determined via parsing standard gene names.

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