CDS missing from ConvertDb-genbank output

Issue #159 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

Junction CDS seems is missing from the ConvertDb-genbank output in v0.4.6 and current tip. It is not missing in v0.4.5. Tested with example S43 data.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    @Julian Zhou , I think this is fixed in 618970c. Could you test, please?

    My test command was: genbank -d
    --product "immunoglobulin heavy chain"
    --db "IMGT/GENE-DB"
    --inf "IgBLAST:1.7.0"
    --organism "Homo sapiens"
    --sex Male
    --tissue "Peripheral blood"
    --cell-type "B cell"
    --outdir output_asn
    --isolate S43
    --cf CPRIMER
    --nf DUPCOUNT
    --format changeo
    --sbt S43_template.sbt

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