Check for proper case handling of input/output fields for all tools

Issue #56 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

We need to check that column name upper/lowercase conversions and input/output are handled correctly for all scripts.

The intended behavior is that commandline arguments and column names should be handled in a case-insensitive manner, but still maintain a data standard and avoid the computational expense of constantly converting the text on access.

Something along the lines of:

  1. Covert field names provided in commandline arguments to same case.
  2. Fields in IgRecord should be stored in a uniform case to avoid having to perform conversions all the time.
  3. Output should be in a fixed case.

I believe this is currently working for DefineClones, but I'm not sure about the others. This should be cleaned up when we clean up IgRecord.

Comments (3)

  1. Namita Gupta
    1. Field name arguments are converted to uppercase in all tools argument parsing.
    2. Fields in IgRecord are converted to uppercase.
    3. Output fields are converted to uppercase.
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