DefineClones default distance appears incorrect

Issue #7 resolved
Jason Vander Heiden created an issue

Default distance is 0.01 in bygroup subcommand. Is this correct? Also, default distance should probably be model specific.

Comments (3)

  1. Moriah Cohen

    The distance is pactically set to zero, it doesn't change even when using different --dist parameters. I think there is a bug in the ClonesByDistS5F_Full.R code.

  2. Jason Vander Heiden reporter

    Courtesy of Moriah:

    "I have been running DefineClones with different --dist parameters, however, the number of clones didn't change at each run. From looking in the R code (ClonesByDistS5F_Full.R) a bit I have noticed the following two code lines:

    BinaryDist[BinaryDist<Thresh & BinaryDist>0]<-1


    In the order these two lines are placed, with thresholds that are lower than 1 all the cells with a distance value lower than the threshold are replaced by 1, but in the second line they are changed to 0...

    From what I understand just by changing the order of these lines this can be solved."

  3. Namita Gupta

    Default distance changed to 0 (requiring identical CDR3 sequence for any bygroup model) Additionally, BinaryDist lines switched in order to fix bug

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