Issue #72 resolved
Robert Amezquita created an issue

Error with using IMGT/V-QUEST (not the HighV-QUEST) output. The resulting output (selecting C. Excel File, with outputs 1, 2, 3, 6 selected) seems to be missing a column for SEQUENCE. Might just be something that can be munged and added as an "aligner" option..?

[ra364@localhost changeo]$ imgt -i ../imgt/ -s ../sequences/ko_seqs.fasta START> MakeDb ALIGNER> IMGT ALIGN_RESULTS> ../imgt/ SEQ_FILE> ko_seqs.fasta NO_PARSE> False SCORE_FIELDS> False REGION_FIELDS> False

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ra364/.local/bin/", line 1020, in <module> args.func(**args_dict) File "/home/ra364/.local/bin/", line 886, in parseIMGT score_fields=score_fields, region_fields=region_fields, out_args=out_args) File "/home/ra364/.local/bin/", line 728, in writeDb for record in db_gen: File "/home/ra364/.local/bin/", line 538, in readIMGT 'SEQUENCE_INPUT': sm['Sequence']} KeyError: 'Sequence'

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    So, it does indeed look like the field is missing in both "normal" V-QUEST and "indel" V-QUEST mode. I think the thing to do is just note in the docs that MakeDb-imgt only works with HighV-QUEST. I don't think maintaining separate V-QUEST support is worth it, especially if IMGT is going to continue to change the output.

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