Option to increase cd-hit-est memory limit

Issue #82 resolved
Julian Zhou created an issue

Currently, limit is hard-coded by default_max_memory = 3000 in presto/Applications.py to be 3000. It would be very helpful to provide an argument via ClusterSets to increase that limit. Thank you!

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    Huh. That’s weird. I don’t recall why we did that. I’ll take a look at this soon - maybe this weekend?

  2. Jason Vander Heiden

    I added the --mem argument to ClusterSets in e8a567e. I took the lazy route and just had it do nothing for usearch/vsearch, rather than figure out if there’s a way to calculate it. I tested that it ran, but didn’t test that it did anything useful…

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