Missing death types

Issue #1 resolved
Riot created an issue

(ported from gitlab)

CommandOn is lacking the new death types that have been added to MineCraft.

Magma Cube
Ender Dragon
Cave Spider

Additionally there may be other types added since this issue was opened

Comments (8)

  1. 14mRh4X0r

    Where are these death types taken from? I could probably extract all death types from the source.

  2. 14mRh4X0r

    Ah, I see. Mind if I rewrite the plugin sometime to be more update-resistant? i.e. just getting the info from minecraft itself :wink2:

  3. Riot reporter

    No time like the present. That's why you've got write access. Roll up a finished jar for the repository when you've done so and we'll put it through the testing phase.

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