Multiple death events logged for a single pvp death

Issue #2 new
Riot created an issue

It appears there's some sort of race condition (possibly in Canary itself?) where hitting someone repeatedly at the moment of death causes the on-death events of CommandOn to trigger repeatedly. Here's an example log, note the times:


2013-04-21 16:32:57 [INFO] Adding new death: Liastrae time: 146978663 pvp cause: Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:32:57 [INFO] Death not found, adding.
2013-04-21 16:32:58 [INFO] Adding new death: Liastrae time: 146978672 pvp cause: Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:32:58 [INFO] Adding new death: Liastrae time: 146978682 pvp cause: Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] Adding new death: Liastrae time: 146978694 pvp cause: Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] Adding new death: Liastrae time: 146978704 pvp cause: thesprazzler
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] Liastrae was slain by thesprazzler
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] [exec] Liastrae executes: /logdeath (calling ./
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] [exec] Liastrae executes: /logentry (calling ./
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] [exec] Liastrae executes: /giveplayerhead (calling ./
2013-04-21 16:32:59 [INFO] [exec] Liastrae executes: /logdeath (calling ./
2013-04-21 16:33:00 [INFO] [PVP] Blobehh killed Liastrae attacker Liastrae defender Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:33:00 [INFO] [exec] Trying to execute "/head Liastrae" for user Blobehh
2013-04-21 16:33:00 [INFO] pvp: Blobehh getplayerhead got Liastrae
2013-04-21 16:33:00 [INFO] [exec] Message to player Liastrae succesfully sent.
2013-04-21 16:33:00 [INFO] [MCOBOT_OUT] Liastrae died: pvp_Blobehh

However, it does seem that the actual on-death actions only run once, as intended, but in this example CommandOn decided that Blobbeh had killed Liastrae whereas the game itself decided (and announced) that thesprazzler did.

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