Drawbridges delete button/lever/torch/etc at the top of target space

Issue #23 new
Jake Hogan created an issue

This is an obscure one. If a button (either kind), lever, torch or redstone torch is placed on on a block immediately above the end of a retracted drawbridge, it is deleted when the bridge is lowered. That is, when it looks like the following:


The redstone blocks are typically wood planks, I swapped them for redstone blocks to indicate the end of the retracted drawbridge. The missing parts in question don't break off, they simply stop existing.

The coordinates of this example are -9812 -3233

I tested it on a glass drawbridge at a nearby location with the same results.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan Steinheimer

    This bug has been around forever. I reported this to Drathus when he was still around. Last time I tried to figure it out I failed miserably, but I've learned a lot about the codebase since then, I'll give it another try.

  2. Jake Hogan reporter

    That's odd, because it wasn't doing this for a long while prior to the 1.5.2 (Possibly stopped working in 1.5.1, don't recall exactly when I last played with it) update. I've had wood buttons in this position rigged to lower bridges when shot for months.

  3. Anna Bakker

    Also happens with signs and regular torches.

    Could this be intentional to stop floating signs and blocks from craftbook removing the blocks below them?

  4. Blobehh

    When placing signs/torches/etc on the side of blocks being removed by craftbook it just pops the sign/torch off the block that has been removed? might work differently for signs on top of blocks though

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