mcx206 (FLEX SET) with H paramater still works if the target block is occupied.

Issue #93 new
ratrun created an issue

While experimenting the ‘Flex Set’ IC to edit the wiki page on it, I decided to place a fresh sign with the block type it would try to place (spruce plank) was in the way.

I expected to see an error saying that the IC didn’t activate, to prevent craftbook mining/griefing when I powered it. However, when I powered it, no such error message was sent. Additionally, when I turned if off, the block in the way disappeared.

The array, with a spruce plank in the way before the sign is powered for the first time.

The array after it has been powered and depowered. Notice that the plank in the way is gone.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place a 'FLEX SET” sign [mcx206] and have a block where the sign will place the block
  2. Power it. Notice the lack of an error message
  3. Turn it off and notice that the IC has mined the block in the way

Yours, ratrun.

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