Arrows can kill players within spawn protection, and players take knockback.

Issue #11 resolved
Anna Bakker created an issue

Players within spawn can now be hurt and killed with arrows using a bow in 1.7.10. Also players can be hit out of spawn and then killed as they take knockback.

Comments (9)

  1. Alexandra Stehr

    Solved in LA2, somewhat. The main issue is i only get to know an arrow hit something in ProjectileHitHook but not in DamageHook. DamageHook tells me who dealt the damage but ignores arrows. ProjectileHitHook tells me the projectile but not who fired it. So i can only generically block arrow damage dealt by anyone handling it as PVP. Escalating this to CanaryMod. :/

    In the meantime, riot, could you write a conversion script that converts "world int(11)" to "world tinytext" with the appropriate full qualified name, ie freedonia_NORMAL, freedonia_NETHER, etc..., of that world? The table should look like this in the end:

    id  bigint(20) Auto-Inkrement    
    startx  bigint(20) [0]   
    starty  bigint(20) [0]   
    startz  bigint(20) [0]   
    endx    bigint(20) [0]   
    endy    bigint(20) [0]   
    endz    bigint(20) [0]   
    world   tinytext NULL    
    name    text     
    owner   text     
    groups  text NULL    
    restrictedcommands  text NULL    
    entertext   text NULL    
    leavetext   text NULL    
    priority    int(11) [65535]  
    protected   tinyint(1) [0]   
    nomonster   tinyint(1) [0]   
    nopvp   tinyint(1) [0]   
    noevp   tinyint(1) [0]   
    nopve   tinyint(1) [0]   
    ismarket    tinyint(1) [0]   
    isbank  tinyint(1) [0]   
    isplayershop    tinyint(1) [0]   
    ownersonly  tinyint(1) [0]   
    isdungeon   tinyint(1) [0]   
    effect  tinyint(4) [0]   
    containerprotected  tinyint(1) [0]   
    alarmstaffonmodify  tinyint(1) [0]   
    nobats  tinyint(1) [0]

    And no, i don't like it either that i have to test a string here. At least with SQL string testing is pretty fast. And LA2 is multi-world capable with this. If you modify your bash script interface thingy i can give you an updated version with a fix to this issue i am not happy with. OTOH, one less plugin in the classic loader, even if its menu part is not finished yet. ;)

  2. Alexandra Stehr

    Erm... is LA still working? It is used in LA classic to check weither that zone is in the overworld, the Nether or the End.

  3. Riot

    Ok i've switched it back. When you're actually ready to update, please do:

    alter table zones change world world tinytext not null;
    update zones set world="freedonia_NORMAL";

    Which is nice and easy since we have nothing outside the normal world right now.

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