Error in console on ITEM_USE

Issue #2 resolved
Riot created an issue

Caught this a few times in the console today (on minecraft 1.4.6). Haven't been able to identify what in-game event it's associated with, and there's no apparent loss of functionality, but haven't been able to do extensive testing yet.

2013-01-02 14:07:06 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class lionsAreaListener' while calling hook: 'ITEM_USE'. java.lang.NullPointerException at lionsAreaListener.onItemUse( at PluginLoader.callHook( at OItemInWorldManager.itemUsed( at ONetServerHandler.a( at OPacket15Place.a(SourceFile:58) at OTcpConnection.b(SourceFile:349) at ONetServerHandler.d( at ONetworkListenThread.b(SourceFile:39) at ODedicatedServerListenThread.b(SourceFile:30) at OMinecraftServer.r( at ODedicatedServer.r(SourceFile:248) at OMinecraftServer.q( at at

Comments (2)

  1. Alexandra Stehr

    There is no check yet if blockClicked is null. Normaly it shouldnt be but thats the only reason i can imagine why this explodes. I would upload a fix, but i havent yet "installed" bitbucket in my Eclipse. :/ If someone else wants to check it out, add

    if(blockClicked == null)return false;

    right behind line 89

    if(itemInHand == null)return false;

    and check if it happens again. :)

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