Shop unstacks all apples

Issue #11 resolved
Michael Helm created an issue

In-game username: reaverofdarknes1

If you use apples in the transaction in a shop, it stacks them with a stack size of 1. This means it separates them into individual apples. It won't unstack apples that aren't moved in the transaction, but it will expect you to have room for all of those apples to be unstacked in your inventory.

In the video, I try to buy 8 apples for 1 iron ingot, and I cannot because the total number of apples in my inventory and coming in from the purchase is more than the number of free inventory slots I have available. But once I deposit half of my apples into the box, I have enough room to make the purchase. As you can see, the purchased apples are unstacked, while the previously owned apples remain stacked.

It works the same way in reverse, if apples go into the shop chest, they are unstacked.

Hypothesis: the LionsShop plugin believes that apples have a stack size of 1.

Video link: