Shops broken: NoSuchMethodError

Issue #4 resolved
Tyler Waugh created an issue

Attempting to use a shop throws the following error:

[SERVER] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: PlayerInventory.<init>(LPlayer;)V
[SERVER]        at
[SERVER]        at lsShop.executeShopSigns(
[SERVER]        at lsShop.checkForShopSigns(
[SERVER]        at lionsShopListener.onBlockRightClicked(
[SERVER]        at PluginListener.onBlockRightClick(
[SERVER]        at PluginLoader.callHook(
[SERVER]        at ONetServerHandler.a(
[SERVER]        at OPacket15Place.a(SourceFile:58)
[SERVER]        at OTcpConnection.b(SourceFile:350)
[SERVER]        at ONetServerHandler.d(
[SERVER]        at ONetworkListenThread.b(SourceFile:35)
[SERVER]        at ODedicatedServerListenThread.b(SourceFile:30)
[SERVER]        at OMinecraftServer.r(
[SERVER]        at ODedicatedServer.r(SourceFile:256)
[SERVER]        at OMinecraftServer.q(
[SERVER]        at
[SERVER]        at

Comments (2)

  1. 14mRh4X0r

    This is due to an update, specifically this one. No biggie, it just needs to be recompiled or Canary needs to be updated. I will fix it both ways, with the recompile being the quickfix.

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