Feature request (shop bundles)

Issue #6 new
SnappyMuppetman created an issue

Ok, so this feature would allow for a sign shop sign to sell multiple items of different ID's. I was thinking along the lines of it working as followed:
The sign:-
1st line: "[ShopBundle]"
2nd line: [BundleName] - Pretty much CBX BandNames. (This will be explained later)
3rd line: [ID] [qauntity] - Same as the normal shop sign

Instead of "/lsshopedit", use "/lsshopbundle [Add/remove] [ID:Quantity]" (maybe able to add/remove more than one ID per command? so "/lsshopbundle [Add/remove] [ID:Quantity] [ID:Quantity]...ect".
Must be looking at the sign to use the command as always and the base /lsshopbundle returns correct command usage AND, if shop owner, the ID's and Quantities currently in the bundle. Also use books the same way to return what ID's and quantities the shop sells so players can see before buying. Note: Maybe just using /lsshopedit can still work with this feature but I though it might produce more confusing code...IDK, i'm not a coder lol (obviously)

Cost to make a bundle can be decided by the creator of the feature, if added, but more sense for it to cost more than the current 16diamonds. IF a player attempts to make a bundle shop but the bundle name is already taken, the sign brakes and no deposit taken and error message sends to creator "Bundle already exists, please choose a different name"

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