Shops steal 1 item from players trying to purchase from a shop in stock

Issue #7 resolved
Toby created an issue

As the title says, shops that are currently "In Stock" will steal 1 of the requires purchase items from players without giving them what they bought. As I've tested, shops don't delete the bought item(s) or anything either, they still keep the bought item(s) but still take 1 item from the user buying from the shop.

It also seems that the user's inventory is not updated correctly when this happens. They have to updated it manually (like double clicking on the stack) for it to be noticed.

Shops without any stock still work and function fine. They still say: "You try to buy <item> for <item>" "The vendor doesn't have enough items to sell"

Shops in stock will just say "You try to buy..." etc, and nothing else.

Comments (5)

  1. Alexandra Stehr

    I will crosscheck this bug with Canary for 1.6.4 when i am home. I suspect this is caused by ClassicLoader, tough, as it only happend after we switched to it.

    We need to rewrite our stuff anyway, might as well do this one next on the weekend.

    @SlowRiot: The new one will need a table in the DB, can not save player UIDs on signs because of space reasons. And that way i can make them look nicer. :)

  2. Riot

    New database created, credentials in /home/minecraft/lionsShop_db.cfg (feel free to move or rename or delete this file as appropriate and configure the credentials in the .properties however you like)

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