0.16.2: Fails with out-of-source build

Issue #73 invalid
yurivict created an issue

clang-10 failed to compile 0.16.2 on FreeBSD-12.2:

/usr/bin/sed -e '/PACKAGE/ s|^|//|; /VERSION/ s|^|//|' /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/devel/ode/work/ode-0.16.2/ode/src/config.h  > /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/devel/ode/work/stage/usr/local/include/ode/config.h
sed: /disk-samsung/freebsd-ports/devel/ode/work/ode-0.16.2/ode/src/config.h: No such file or directory

Comments (7)

  1. yurivict reporter

    bootstrap shouldn’t be needed in cmake projects.

    In cmake script, when the file is copied the source location is wrong.

  2. Oleh Derevenko

    I do not have a FreeBSD to test but I’m pretty sure CMake build used to work if invoked as described in section “BUILDING WITH CMAKE” in INSTALL.TXT.

  3. yurivict reporter

    It doesn’t work with out-of-source build when build directory is separate from source directory.

  4. Oleh Derevenko

    Could you please provide your changes that you think would fix the issue for you. CMake build scripts were contributed by another person who is not a regular developer of ODE.

  5. Markus Rickert

    I could not replicate this on FreeBSD 13.0 or any other system when separating build and source directory. There were some issues with config.h due to a missing check and definition for FreeBSD that should be fixed by pull request #9.

    Could you provide some more details on how you are configuring and building ODE with CMake?

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