GCW Regions

Issue #67 on hold
Mads Boddum created an issue

Rename CivilWarService to CivilWarRankService. Remember to rename TestCivilWarService as well.

Some packet work is needed, for instance: https://github.com/ProjectSWGCore/NGECore2/blob/a83f3626db55c3dbd5382c336400787b93b57e77/src/protocol/swg/GcwRegionsRsp.java

Create CivilWarRegionService. Load serverdata/gcw/regions_gcw.sdb.

Register for CivilWarPointIntent. When CivilWarRegionService receives it, the receiver is a PlayerObject. You can do: CreatureObject creature = playerObject.getParent(). If inside a region, then the CivilWarRegionService needs to adjust the score there.

The scores might need to be saved in an ObjectDatabase, if they're not already stored in the GuildObject somehow. Research on this is required.

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