Double click on a test result that uses [TestCase] should go to the test case definition, not the method itself

Issue #131 open
Marcus Mangelsdorf created an issue

Currently, when double clicking a test result that originates from a test that uses the [TestCase] attribute to define different test cases, you will always jump to the implementation of the test method itself.

So clicking the following test results always leads to the same point in code (the test method implementation):

I would argue that it would be a usability improvement to jump to the related test case definition instead.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Interesting suggestion - not trivial to implement though especially since the implementation for the attribute based tests depends on the test framework. While only DUnitX offers it out of the box it can also be added to DUnit as well as I have been doing for years even before DUnitX existed.

    Currently the data collected for the test results does now know which attribute it originated from but just the class and method name.

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