
SinnyStar [Ren'Py] Place selection

Created by Sinny Star
init python:

    # Add a place to the list
    def add_place(place_list, place_name, place_actions=[], index=0):
        #place_list.insert(index, (place_name, place_actions))  # adds it ot front of list by default
        place_list.append((place_name, place_actions))
        return place_list

    # Removes a place from the list by name
    def remove_place(place_list, place_name):
        return filter(lambda x: x[0] != place_name, place_list)

label place:
    show screen places(place_items) 
    $ renpy.pause() # prevent seeing the next line

screen places(place_items):

    modal True

    ### Note to self:
    ### items[page_curr] is the current choice to display
    ### remember it's a tuple of (caption, action, chosen)

    ### Python lists are 0-based
    default page_curr = 0
    default page_min = 0
    default page_max = len(place_items) -1
        xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
            ### Simple textbuttons
            # textbutton "<" action [If(page_curr > page_min, [SetScreenVariable('page_curr', page_curr - 1)])]
            # if items[page_curr][1]:
                # textbutton place_items[page_curr][0] action [Hide("places"), place_items[page_curr][1]]
            # else:
                # text place_items[page_curr][0]
            # textbutton ">" action [If(page_curr < page_max, [SetScreenVariable('page_curr', page_curr + 1)])]

            ### With imagebuttons
            ### Example: for caption "park", place thumbnail images are:
            ### "images/place_park_idle.png"
            ### "images/place_park_hover.png"
            ### etc.
            imagebutton auto "images/arrowl_%s.png" action [If(page_curr > page_min, [SetScreenVariable('page_curr', page_curr - 1)])]
            if place_items[page_curr][1]:
                imagebutton auto "images/place_" + place_items[page_curr][0] + "_%s.png" action [Hide("places"),place_items[page_curr][1]]
                imagebutton auto "images/place_" + place_items[page_curr][0] + "_%s.png" action NullAction()
            imagebutton auto "images/arrowr_%s.png" action [If(page_curr < page_max, [SetScreenVariable('page_curr', page_curr + 1)])]

    ### Current caption
        xalign 0.5 yalign 0.8
        text place_items[page_curr][0]
    ### To indicate page number
        xalign 0.5 yalign 0.9
        text "Current Page: "+str(page_curr +1) # +1 because we like pages starting at 1
# Variables
define energy = 100
define place_items = [ ("park", [SetVariable("energy", energy - 10), Jump("place1")]), ("home", Jump("place2")) ]

# The game starts here.
label start:
    jump place_select
label place_select:
    "I have [energy] energy."
    "Where should I go?"
    call place
label place1:
    "Going to the park!"
    "I found a mysterious tunnel."

    # edit the place_items to remove park and add tunnel
    $ place_items = remove_place(place_items, "park")
    $ place_items = add_place(place_items, "tunnel", [SetVariable("energy", energy - 20), Jump("place3")])

    jump place_select
label place2:
    "I'm tired, let's go home."
    "I have [energy] energy."
label place3:
    "Entering the tunnel - it's deeper than I thought..."
    jump place_select

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