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memoria / Packed Partial Sum Tree

Let's take a sequence of monotonically increasing numbers, and get delta sequence from it, as it is shown on the following figure. Partial Sum Tree is a tree of sums over this delta sequence.

An Array-packed Partial Sums Tree

Packed tree in Memoria is a multiary balanced tree mapped to an array. For instance in a level order as it shown on the figure.

Given a sequence of N numbers with monotonically increasing values, partial sum tree provides several important operations:

  • findLT(value) finds position of maximal element less than value, time complexity T = O(log N)
  • findLE(value) finds position of maximal element less than or equals to value, T = O(log N).
  • sum(to) computes plain sum of values in the delta sequence in range [0, to), T = O(log N)
  • add(from, value) adds value to all elements of original sequence in the range of [from, N), T = O(log N).

It is obvious that first two operations can be computed with binary search without partial sum tree and all that overhead it introduces. Multiary search tree that is properly cache-aligned is just just faster than binary search, see this page for details.

See also Dynamic Vector and Searchable sequence are implemented with partial sum trees.
