Display Playlist name on Playlist menu

Issue #745 resolved
Former user created an issue

Once an online feed has been selected and the playlist menu appears, there is no longer any indication of the feed that has been loaded. See attached "sportflix" playlist menu.

Comments (8)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Can you still reproduce this? Is it happening only with online feeds and if yes, any particular feed or all feeds?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm surprised you cannot see this yourself. The playlist menu only says "Playlist" and does not show the online feed name or folder name containing the videos in the playlist.

    So - happening on all feeds and folders

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    It never shows any folders, only feed items / video files. It's context specific view on what files are available in either the current folder/category or queue.

    Not sure if this explains the original issue?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    I understand that it only shows feed items and video files. The point is it never shows at the top beside "Playlist" the source of those feed items/files so there is no context when one has many folders or feeds. It needs to show the folder name or feed name or "Queue", so for the folder "Comedy Night" the heading would be "Comedy Night Playlist" with the files listed below, and for the feed "League Sports" which was the jpg above it would show "League Sports Playlist", else the list of files/feeds has no context as the previous mediabrowser had.

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