Improve the handling of tags from FLAC, MP3 and other formats

Issue #759 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Serviio should send as many tags as possible from MP3, Ogg, FLAC, ..... on to the control point and/or renderers.

Serviio should follow the standards set out in UPNP Forum specs, for the tags mostly

A good starting point could possibly be adapting the scheme exemplified in for a Linn style playlist.

This uses the form <upnp:artist role="Composer" .... >content-of-composer-tag</upnp:artist>

Other possibilities probably exist, and the only reasonable strategy I can see is to decide on which control points and renderers to support, and follow whatever standards they adhere to.

I would definitely vote for BubbleUPnP and Linn's Kinsky control points as most important.

To some extent multiple standards can be supported; for example dc:creator and upnp:author could both have the same value as the <upnp:artist role="Composer"> tag.

Some sort of configurability would probably ease going forward: a profile scheme describing what source tags to transfer and how, to adapt Serviio to the various renderer and control point requirements.

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