Finder thumbnails blank with Gapplin on High Sierra

Issue #92 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have Gapplin on three computers. When viewing a folder with SVG images, one of the machines shows blank thumbnails in Finder.

The only distinguishing characteristic is that the machine missing the thumbnails is on High Sierra. It might just be a coincidence, but I can't figure out why else they would not show. The only other difference is I don't have Sketch on that machine, but I do have Affinity Designer on all machines.

Comments (7)

  1. David Rodriguez

    I have this same issue. Just updated to High Sierra and the thumbnails are gone. This is only thing I was using Gapplin for!

  2. Hoby Van Hoose

    I'm also encountering this same issue after updating to MacOS 10.13.1, High Sierra. Secondly, I'd consider this a major issue and not a minor one since this is the primary reason I have Gapplin installed.

  3. Pratyush Tewari

    When I run the quicklook under debug I get

    $ qlmanage -d 1 -p yellow_warning.svg 

    I get an error

    Testing Quick Look preview with files:
    [DEBUG] file:///Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SVG.qlgenerator/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Library/QuickLook/SVG.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] Preview test for yellow_warning.svg -- file:///Users/ptewari/Documents/Work/code/Vidyo/Endpoint/UI/img/backgrounds/. Content type UTI: public.svg-image
    [DEBUG] file:///Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SketchQuicklook.qlgenerator/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Library/QuickLook/SketchQuicklook.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SketchPackageQuicklook.qlgenerator/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Library/QuickLook/SketchPackageQuicklook.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/iBooksAuthor.qlgenerator/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Library/QuickLook/iBooksAuthor.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ overrides <QLGenerator /Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SketchQuicklook.qlgenerator>
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SketchPackageQuicklook.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SVG.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ is older than <QLGenerator /Applications/Sketch>. Ignoring
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Applications/Sketch>)
    [DEBUG] file:///Applications/ might shadow a plug-in with the same identifier and version (<QLGenerator /Users/ptewari/Library/QuickLook/SetappQL.qlgenerator>)
    [DEBUG] Previewing file:///Users/ptewari/Documents/Work/code/Vidyo/Endpoint/UI/img/backgrounds/yellow_warning.svg. Content type UTI: public.svg-image. Generator used: <QLGenerator /Applications/>
    [DEBUG] Loading <QLGenerator /Applications/>
    dyld: warning, LC_RPATH @executable_path/../Frameworks in /Applications/ being ignored in restricted program because of @executable_path
    [DEBUG] Previewing file:///Users/ptewari/Documents/Work/code/Vidyo/Endpoint/UI/img/backgrounds/yellow_warning.svg finished
    2017-11-30 15:13:47.694 qlmanage[1198:57027] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0xb603, name = ''
    See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
    2017-11-30 15:13:47.753 qlmanage[1198:57027] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0xe13b, name = ''
    See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
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