Files are not sending

Issue #2 invalid
LeelooshN created an issue

Now that a task can be added thanks to the fix of v1.4. I am unable to send files. I've tested with a local and remote FTP server. The logs say that files have sent but no actual connection has taken place. You can enter fictitious host, user and pass and outcome is the same.

I suggest better logging including; connection success/failure, files sent, target, amount of data sent (or size of each file), disconnect.

This is all that is logged presently: 28-Jan-2014 11:00:11 Starting task 'Upload to FTP site' of type 'com.println.bamboo.ftp.plugin:ftpTask' 28-Jan-2014 11:00:11 Starting FTP transfer 28-Jan-2014 11:00:13 FTP transfer done! 28-Jan-2014 11:00:13 Finished task 'Upload to FTP site'

I've included a screenshot of the config. The username and password have been removed on purpose. No destination path since the files need to be placed at the root location. Have tried with remove .com host name as well as local ip address. Both Passive and Active modes tried as well.

Comments (3)

  1. Vinay Lodha repo owner


    I tested to reproduce this and plugin is uploading files as expected. In this case specifically I believe no files are matching to given "source File/Pattern" field, Please correct me if I am wrong but you are giving full path in "source File/Pattern" field instead try to give relative path which should be equivalent to your source code structure.

    I will update logging in plugin as you have suggested in next version.

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