Subcommands. Executing commands from scripts

Issue #21 closed
Denis Kuzmin repo owner created an issue

Need support to execute commands:


#[DTE exec: <cmd>(<args>)]

and limited support for work with vsSBE, for example:

#[vsSBE events.<type>.item(<name>/<index>).enabled = false]

Variant with the cancel building (cancel by result of variables directly, scripts and similar):

#[Build cancel = true|false|1|0]

(wrapped of dte, i.e. another variant it's the #[DTE exec: ..])

See also: Issue #22 - Unification of the format of our scripts

Comments (6)

  1. Denis Kuzmin reporter

    Implemented 'Enabled' property with 77438e5:

    #[vsSBE events.Pre.item("Act1").Enabled] // true|false
    #[vsSBE events.Pre.item("Act1").Enabled = false] // true|false|1|0
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