Capturing data from external utilities

Issue #23 closed
Denis Kuzmin repo owner created an issue

Need to capture data from external tools and place to script.

For example: utilities for calculating - MD5, sha1, TTH and other, what is not possible with MSBuild Property Functions..


#[Func getFromFile:/path1/path2/sha1.exe arg1 "arg p2"]

See also: Issue #22 - Unification of the format of our scripts

Comments (4)

  1. Denis Kuzmin reporter

    Implemented with fd99fab

    File Component - /SBEScripts/Components/FileComponent.cs:

    #[File get(name)]
    #[File call(name): args]
    #[File call(name)]
    #[File callOut(name): args]
    #[File callOut(name): args]
    #[File callOut(name)]
    #[File write(name): data]
    #[File append(name): data]
    #[File writeLine(name): data]
    #[File appendLine(name): data]
  2. Denis Kuzmin reporter

    New format with 4b05a51

    #[File call("name", "args")]
    #[File call("name")]
    #[File callOut("name", "args")]
    #[File callOut("name")]
    #[File get("name")]
    #[File write("name"): "multiline data"]
    #[File append("name"): "multiline data"]
    #[File writeLine("name"): "multiline data"]
    #[File appendLine("name"): "multiline data"]
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