SBE scripts cannot handle failed commands

Issue #26 on hold
Former user created an issue

git will often generate failures on common scenarios:

git describe fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.

However, this is not allowed in an SBE script - it breaks

Comments (2)

  1. Denis Kuzmin repo owner

    you about FileComponent and commands like this ?:

    #[File sout("git", "<<command>>")]

    please details... problem with new-lines from received result ? or with the post-command for interaction with git shell ?

    the most commands require values without newline symbols. You can read doc, also see params in code completion that marked as 'In' etc.

    otherwise, for example, if this value is needed to use with conditional statements

    this value should be without newlines, like this

    #[( #[File out("git", "rev-parse --short HEAD")] == "a234df" ) { 
    else { 

    it's not a bug, however i think need an additional helper for work with strings, e.g. work without newlines

    Related Issue: #27

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