Plugin not loading on project creation

Issue #4 resolved
Rafael Cossovan created an issue

Me again, another issue... My setup is: VS Pro 2013 Update 2 + WDK 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1 x64.

Tested on vsSolutionBuildEvent v0.6 (stable) and (latest beta).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Close all instances of VS.
  2. Open VS.
  3. Create a new Project (C++ -> Win32 -> Console) (Win32 works too)
  4. Just finish the wizard.
  5. Wait the project loads.
  6. Look the menu "Builds"
  7. Events Solution will not be loaded (option missing)
  8. Try to build the solution (ctrl+shift+b)
  9. Crashes ;)
  10. Restart VS and try again, now it works properly.

Note: Seems that other types of projects are not afected by it, just C++. Not sure, need more tests.

The output windows stops on:

31/07/2014 11:55:43 [TRACE]: Entering Initialize() of: net.r_eg.vsSBE.vsSolutionBuildEventPackage

He never reachs the next event:


31/07/2014 11:55:44 [INFO]: Initialize with new settings

Crash dump log attached. If you need more information, just ask.

Comments (9)

  1. Rafael Cossovan reporter

    I made a few tests here.

    Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32 Console = OK
    Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32 Project = OK
    Visual C++ -> Windows Driver -> WDF -> Kernel Mode Driver = OK
    Visual C++ -> Windows Driver -> WDF -> User Mode Driver = OK
    Visual C# -> Windows Desktop -> Windows Forms Application = OK
    Visual C# -> Windows Desktop -> Console Application = OK

    With the option "Create directory for solution" checked or not, all projects loads and build without problems too.

    Seems fixed for me ;)


  2. Denis Kuzmin repo owner

    good :)

    it's small problem but serious., thanks for finding

    note: In official doc. about the _Solution.FullName (or _Solution.FileName in prior versions) there no any information, what this property can be empty or null :(

    new public release should be soon on the gallery page

    if you find a new bug :) report me again

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