TargetParameterCount Exception

Issue #1 new
Former user created an issue

Error -> TargetParameterCountException: parameters do not match signature


int key_i = 0;
XMLSerializer ss = new XMLSerializer ();
List<Atlas> keys = new List<Atlas> ( this.libAnimations.Keys );
List<List<Anim>> anims = new List<List<Anim>> ( this.libAnimations.Values );
foreach ( Atlas key in keys )
    string output = ss.Serialize ( anims[ key_i++ ] );
    Main.Log ( PATHSERI + FILEANIMS + key.atlasName + FILEEXT + ": \b" + output );


public class Anim
    public const float  DEF_SPEED = 6f;

    public bool     active;
    public string   name;
    public float    fps;
    public bool     loop;
    public string   animationToJump;
    public bool[]   actives;
    public Sprite[] frames;

    public Anim ()...
    public float duration...
    public int numFrames...
    public bool hasAnimationToJump...
    public float secsPerFrame...

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Penick repo owner


    Its been awhile since I looked at the code, I will have to go over it tonight when I have more time. Though if i had to guess it is the use of the generics which is throwing it for a loop. If i remember correctly list<Something> is supported, but list<list<somthing>> is not. Im thinking you could work around it by doing something like.

    public class animationList:List<Anim>{}
    public class listOfAnimationLists:List<animationList>{}

    and serializing the data that way. But again wildly guessing since i haven't looked at the code in awhile. Will get back to you with a better answer tonight.

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