What exactly is a "minimum schedule configuration"?

Issue #13 resolved
Xavier Vilajosana created an issue
  • Section 3 : What exactly is a "minimum schedule configuration"?

TW> Editorial. TW> @Editor, please add definition.

Comments (2)

  1. Xavier Vilajosana reporter

    I reworded the paragraph with this

    "In order to form a network, a set of conventions need to be taken in order to enable initial advertising of the presence of the network as well as to set the basic mechanism so joining nodes are configured to comply with the advertised network configuration. This set of rules conform a minimal configuration that nodes implementing this specification MUST comply. The timeslot timing, slotframe size, the number of active cells, their slotoffset and frequency offset and the purpose of the cells are mandatory configurations for two nodes to communicate. The present document defines those rules."·

    Check please.

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