Section 5 Is the 2.4GHz OQPSK Phy the only phy supported by 6tisch-minimal?

Issue #29 resolved
Xavier Vilajosana created an issue
  1. Is the 2.4GHz OQPSK Phy the only phy supported by 6tisch-minimal?

TW> No. Any PHY which IEEE802.15.4e support is supported by 6tisch-minimal. TW> 2.4GHz OQPSK happens to be the most popular today, but IEEE802.15.4e was TW> written so it would "work" on different PHYs, including future ones. TW> @Editor, please add a sentence to that effect in Section 3.

Comments (2)

  1. Xavier Vilajosana reporter

    I added this sentence

      The present specification is independent of the actual physical layer and it is only dependent on the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH MAC layer specification.
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