Review Intented status

Issue #3 resolved
Xavier Vilajosana created an issue

Intended Status:

This looks more like a recommended set of network configuration parameters than a new protocol definition. Has the wg considered whether the Proposed Standard status is appropriate (as opposed to Info or BCP)?

TW> Ideally, we'd like to keep the "proposed standard" track as: TW> - 6TiSCH builds upon it as a foundation TW> - this spec is to be followed for interoperation TW> We need to poll the WG on this. TW> @WG, we will discuss this at the IETF94 6TiSCH WG meeting. TW> @AD, we welcome your input/recommendation on this decision

Meta : Suresh raised this same point, but I want to echo it. Is Standards Track the approach the WG wants to proceed with this document? Do you expect this to advance to Internet Standard at some point? Would Best Current Practice be a better fit if it is expected that the advice will change?

TW> Same comment from Suresh above. TW> We need to poll the WG on this. TW> @WG, we will discuss this at the IETF94 6TiSCH WG meeting. TW> @AD, we welcome your input/recommendation on this decision.

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