Section 9 clarify k1 and k2 use

Issue #32 resolved
Xavier Vilajosana created an issue
  1. I am really confused on how the management of K1 and K2 are supposed to work given all the optional language here. K1 could be equal to K2. K1 MAY be some value. I know there is ongoing discussion on the key management subject, but I suspect that this text will get very interesting comments from Sec-Dir reviewers.

TW> You are right, this text has been changing and changing based on the discussions TW> and walks through a minefield. We expect a person deploying to set K1 and K2 to some TW> arbitrary value if no KMP is present. The default value of K1 is there to allow TW> interop events. TW> @AD, advice on rewording is welcome.

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