Section 10. Add RPL statement

Issue #63 resolved
Xavier Vilajosana created an issue
  1. I see that section 10 includes the statement:

Nodes in a multihop network MUST use the RPL routing protocol [RFC6550].

This statement is certainly false if one takes a broad definition of the word "multihop". Even if edited to "multilink subnet" or "mesh", I can't find any support in RFC 6550 for the statement "MUST use RPL routing protocol". I think it would be much clearer and more correct to quote verbatim the text describing this requirement from RFC 6550 rather than paraphrasing it here.

TW> This is the same discussion as above. TW> I believe addressing the discussion above will address this comment.

Similarly, this sentence in section 10.1 needs, at least, to be edited, and I think it should be replaced with quoted text from RFC 6552.

Nodes in the multihop network MUST implement the RPL Objective Function Zero [RFC6552].

TW> Editorial. TW> @Editor, please add a statement "if RPL is used" in that sentence.

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