Add "like" options to ellipse for tracks. To album view, playlist and queue

Issue #193 new
Vicpa created an issue


three(3) options Like, Neutral, Dislike or Thumbs Up, Thumb Left, Thumb Down. Maybe a single toggle with left or neutral as default with clicks to switch?

The use case is to improve shuffle, instant mix and recommendations. The dislike would be the easiest to utilize. The server algorisms would need to change to use like etc. But a dislike could be just be ignored even if returned by the server.

Groove uses something similar to improve its recommendations.

It would be helpful frankly on all content. (which is why I find the recommendation engine generally useless) I watch a movie and did not like can't flag it, turn around and get "Because you watched xyz" and get recommendations based on a movie I didn't like.

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