Missing cases in AccessViewHelper

Issue #17 resolved
Marcus Biesioroff created an issue

In the AccessViewHelper there is lack of case options for some auth annotations, which causes that class infos table in BE module for access annotation @Api\Access("fe_groups[123]") displays Access: Not defined! instead of i.e. Access: fe_groups: 123

Missing options:

  • fe_groups
  • be_admins
  • api_users
  • ip
  • ip_user

I added them for my own purposes, additionally with human-readable labels (for all access annotations) + different icons for user based and ip based restrictions, so now it looks like:

Access: Frontend user groups [fe_groups]: 123


Timeless offer: if you’re interested in incorporating this change into the master branch, feel free to let me know, so I’ll fork the repository and will prepare a pull request. :)

Comments (9)

  1. David Bascom

    😅 Howard Carpendale: Hello again!

    I tried to contact you via email last week – maybe I had the wrong address.
    Here is my mail:

    Thanks for your commit and bugfix! 
    Looks great. We’ll have it in the next release.
    Tweaks? Sounds very interesting!If you like we can do a zoom call tomorrow or on Thursday. 
    Let me know what would be a good time for you.

    You can contact me here: david@99grad.de

  2. Marcus Biesioroff reporter

    You’re welcome! Great to know that’s useful! We have still some tweaks to add, I can see the future, it is warm, safe and comfortable, on Bahama islands with palm-drink in the one hand and a glass of Scotch in the second ;)

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