ApiConfiguration not loaded in Settings.php when called by NnrestapiEnhancer

Issue #20 resolved
Mogens Fiebrandt created an issue

I’m running TYPO3 11.5.15 in composer mode and Ext:nnrestapi in Version 1.3.6.
PHP 7.4

Trying to implement a custom api basePath overriding the default.yaml. The Backend API Module shows the correct overriden basePath, but the routing seems to fail.

When xdebugging the method getApiUrlPrefix() in Nng\Nnrestapi\Utilities\Settings it shows that the apiConfiguration is not loaded when Settings is called by the NnrestapiEnhancer. This causes that the default basePath (\api) is used for the routing.

It seems like the Request Object is missing so that the siteConfig cant be loaded.

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