404 error on default endpoints

Issue #37 resolved
Reto von Rickenbach created an issue


I’m getting a 404 error for all default endpoints on a new installation.

I’ve tried it with typo3 v11 and v12 with the according nnrestapi version, same result.

I was able to fix it by setting $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageNotFoundOnCHashError'] to false but I don’t think that’s the correct solution.

Do you maybe have an idea on how to fix it?


Comments (2)

  1. David Bascom

    Thanks for reporting – sorry for the late reply.
    We found that there actually can be two settings in the LocalConfiguration.php / settings.php that cause this issue:
    FE.cacheHash.enforceValidation => true
    FE.pageNotFoundOnCHashError => true
    If both settings are set to false the problem will not occur anymore. Of course this is not something that most people will want to do because it decreases security for “normal” links on the website. We have implemented a fix for this in this commit which will be available in the next release.

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