Upload to storages with relative paths containing .. is buggy

Issue #57 resolved
Alexander Grein created an issue

I defined a typoscript to set the defaultStoragePath and file target for uploads like so:

plugin.tx_nnrestapi {
  settings {
    fileUploads {
      default {
        defaultStoragePath = 2:/uploads/
        file = 2:/uploads/

This storage with the uid 2 has an relative base path “../secure_storage/” (note the two dots in front).

Comparing with uid 1, which has the relative base path “fileadmin/”.

TYPO3 handles both storage paths correctly, and I can browse both folders with the file module.

The TYPO3 12 system is a composer installation where the public path is the root of the relative base path.

After uploading a file with the @Api\Upload("default") Annotation, nnrestapi generates a new public folder public/secure_storage/uploads/ with the uploaded file, but the uploaded files should be stored IMO here:


It seems, that nnrestapi cuts off the starting “../" from the relative path of the selected storage.

If I change the path in the storage to an absolute path (e.g. /var/www/html/secure_storage) it works correctly.

But this is not very practical, since my development system has different absolute paths than eg. the live system.

Because of this, after every sync of the database I would have to change the paths in the sys_file_storage database table, which is stored in a flexform xml.

Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Grein reporter

    After some research, it seem that the problem comes from this call inside the \nn\t3::File->absPath method:


    The called method from the core has an security check for back paths (static::validPathStr($fileName)):

    $checkForBackPath = fn (string $fileName): string => $fileName !== '' && static::validPathStr($fileName) ? $fileName : '';

    This results in an empty returned $fileName.

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