"Edit on GitHub" Link on rendered documentation results in 404

Issue #21 closed
Former user created an issue

On the documentation page, there is an (automatically rendered) "Edit on GitHub" button:

docs: https://docs.typo3.org/p/nng/nnhelpers/main/en-us/Introduction/Index.html#what-does-it-do Edit on GitHub links to: https://github.com/nng/nnhelpers/edit/master/Documentation/Introduction/Index.rst

This results to a 404 because the generated link tries to access the source file on GitHub, but the source is hosted on Bitbucket.

What you can do:

  1. deactivate the button entirely
  2. push a copy to GitHub (has some drawbacks, would only do this if can be automated, should deactivate issues and PR tab)

See Documentation/Settings.cfg:

github_branch = master github_repository = nng/nnhelpers


docs: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/docs-how-to-document/main/en-us/WritingDocForExtension/FAQ.html#how-do-i-get-an-edit-on-github-button

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