v5/v6 action_CEPause Conversion

Issue #107 new
Enthalpy created an issue

This trial and this trial have action_CEPause appear after v5 to v6 conversion, when those should only be in CE blocks.

Comments (1)

  1. Enthalpy reporter

    Looking at the v5 trial data shows that both cases have at the end of their CE blocks a pauseCI action followed by a retourCI action leading to the allerCI frame, and no failure conversation. The actions in question are in addition to any that were expected.

    This suggests that there was a bug in v5 that allowed trial data for failure conversations (possibly zero-length only) without LancerCI knowing about it. While invisible when playing and editing a v5 case, this causes a bug in the v5->v6 conversion.

    Not all cases without failure conversations have this artifact (for example, trial 539 does not).

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