Mocked Install Fail

Issue #123 resolved
Enthalpy created an issue

Mocked install is currently not working, with the error message: <b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property of non-object in <b>\trunk\includes\UserDataHandler.class.php</b> on line <b>47</b><br />

To be fixed by Enthalpy in his next commit.

The original issue is fixed, but in the interests of preventing clutter this report will remain up until it has been fully confirmed that Mocked Install is fully operable. Given the current history, it is likely that there are other things which may cause error messages on more stringent versions of PHP.

Comments (6)

  1. Enthalpy reporter

    Not at present for three reasons:

    • Mocked Install isn't working right just yet. The biggest problems are fixed, but there are some with converting blank trials. Those should be fixed by my next commit.
    • I have yet to test every feature that is supposed to work on Mocked Install.
    • Resolved is for features that are fixed on develop, but aren't live yet. Since this doesn't need to be fixed on the live version, it would be "fixed."

    Granted, the actual issue text should be changed to reflect that this is currently a placeholder issue until I've finished validating the mocked install.

  2. Enthalpy reporter

    Everything except the forums, collaborators/playtesters, and sequences can be made workable on Mocked Install, it seems! (Sequences need find_in_set, which sqlite doesn't have.)

    Will be closed after pull request #20 or an equivalent is accepted.

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